Creating a Custom Supply List
Administrative Functionality > Supply Lists > Creating a Custom Supply List

You are able to apply a single custom supply list to all of the customers in your organization, or apply specific custom supply lists based on the needs of your different customers.

Customers are limited to a single supply list.  Customers not assigned to a custom supply list automatically use the default supply list 

  1. Select Records Management | Administration | Manage Supply Lists. The Manage Supply Lists screen opens. The default supply list is the top list in the grey panel.
  2. Click Create New Supply List. The Supply List wizard opens to the Choose Customer(s) step.
  3. Use the checkboxes to select the customer ID that will use this supply list.

 NOTE:  Only customers using the default supply list can be assigned to a custom supply list. 

To assign a customer that is already using a custom list, you must first remove the customer from the custom list.  The customer will automatically be assigned back to the default list and be available for you to select.

  1. Click Choose Supplies; the Supply List wizard opens to the Choose Supplies step.  Iron Mountain Connect Records Management displays images of the most commonly requested supplies.
  2. Use the checkboxes to select the supplies that will be available to the customer(s) on this list.  The paging functionality at the bottom of the screen enables you to quickly move through screens to locate the necessary supplies.
  3. Click Confirm Summary to continue to the Confirmation step in the Supply List wizard.
  4. Review the list and the customers assigned to it.

  Note Box
NOTE: Use the back buttons (<Choose Customer and <Choose Supplies) to return to prior steps in the wizard and modify your selections.
  1. Click Finish to finalize your list. You are returned to the Manage Supply Lists screen; a success message displays and the supply list you created appears on the screen. The list is effective immediately; customers assigned to this list will see only the selected supplies, preventing mistaken orders.
See Also